

Why am I starting a blog? Honestly, for fun. It's a creative outlet for me where I can hopefully help and/or entertain other moms through our adventures and mistakes. I'm not an expert mom; I'm a first time mom figuring this whole thing out. I have found that reading other mom blogs has inspired me and helped me a lot! So I wanted to start my own platform with our unique stories in order to create that same effect for other moms. Every family has a different lifestyle and a different approach to life and livingness. We will be learning to be a city family and sharing our story as we go. We hope to find lots of fun places in San Francisco to share with you. The city is basically our playground.

As with any new scenario there are always new challenges to overcome. As most of you know, motherhood has its own set of challenges and adding city living to it is bound to be interesting. We hope you follow along and come laugh, learn and play with us in this 7x7 city.


With love,


Challenge one: Apartment Hunting

Challenge one: Apartment Hunting